Name Surname Professional field
Province Organisation work for
Cep Tel/ Cell Phone Phone No
Title E-Mail
( Filling of personal information is optional.) Assesment
Kindly mark significance degree and your assessment for each question by writing “X” to related sections . 5: Strongly Disagree
4: Disagree
3: Partially Agree
2: Agree
1: Absolutely Agree
1 2 3 4 5
About company
1 I am satisified to work with your company.
2 I prefer your company to other companies give similar services
3 I can always reach to your company executives
Service Quality
1 I find your services as qualified and reliable.
2 I satisfy with diversity of your services
3 I think that your services provide an added value to our company.
4 It is paid attention to conduct service in planned time.
5 Certificates come on time.
6 Certificates comes as correct.
7 Invoices are transported as correct
8 Invoices are transported on time
Saling and Marketing Activities
1 I find your feedback time as satisfying.
2 I find your notification related with your services as suffcient
3 I receive your offer on time
4 Content of offer corresponds to my requirements
5 I am happy with attitudes of Marketing Department Personnel
6 I receive satisfying replies related with customer complaints on time.
7 I think that activities and promotions related with services are sufficient
8 I think that promotional materials are educational and evocative
9 I find that visits of marketing department is suffcient
10 Offer and Agreements are transported to me correctly.
1 I think that auditors/Inspectors/technical experts are prepared.
2 I find the approaches of auditors/Inspectors/technical experts are positive
3 I think that auditors/Inspectors/technical experts uses their time well.
4 I find that auditors/Inspectors/technical experts have a sufficient comprehensive knowledge of subject
5 I think that auditors/Inspectors/technical experts get on with eachother
6 I find that communication skill and frankly speaking of auditors/Inspectors/technical experts are successfull.
7 I think that auditors/Inspectors/technical experts ’ behaviour/courtesy are satisfying.
8 Auditor reports come on time
Suggestions if present;
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