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This certificate is necessary for every commodity which is sold wholesale or retail. After being mandatory at 1.October.2000, this certificates importance has been reminded once more to the companies as the customs were closed to cargo and baggage trade. As a standard for Russian Federation, the content of this document resembles ISO, TSE and CE. Besides being inspected in the customs, this certificate is also asked for in store inspections performed in the domestic market. The legal and safe way to trade with Russia is to get certificate for what is produced. Quality standardization in import and export commodities has gained higher importance after the crisis in 1997.
Quality Certification is performed as mandatory in some products and services while some are performed on demand. Yellow colored certifiğcate is given to products and services which are kept mandatory while blue is given to the ones on demand. The ones which has to get yellow color certificate is stated on No:64 of Products and services with mandatory Quality Certification law issued in 30.July.2002 by Russian government standards.
Gost R certificate is issued by accreditaiton centers which are accredited by Russian governement after being tested in the labarotories accredited by the government. If other than GOST-R compatability document, a fire and hygiene certification is needed according to Russia MCS Ministry 08.July.2002y. No:320 Products mandatory for fire certification and Russian Federation Hygiene standards 15. August 2002 y/ N6/325 Products mandatory for hygiene certification, first hygiene and fire documents will be handed out, and than GOST-R quality document.
1-In which territories is Gost-R valid in?
Countries in which Gost-R is valid: Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Kazakhistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan
2. What does GTIP number mean?
Customs tariff Statistical Position is a 12 digit code used in Turkish Customs Tariff Index. The first six digits for this number represent the harmonized system momanclature code which is used by all members of World Customs Organization, 7-8 digits is the combined momenclature used by European Union Countries, 9-10 digits are the codes ısed because of different tax applications, 11-12 digitss are used for showing statistical codes.
3-Fields Gost-R Certificate is used
Russian Customs (Mandatory)
Retail Stores (For products sold retailly)
In construction (To get settlement licence)
Sites such as Industrial Kitchen, Laundry (to get operation licence)
4-Documents needed for Gost-R Application
1) Registration to chamber of commerce (activity certificate)
2) Signature circulars of authorized personnel
3) Trade mark registration documents
4) If any certificate exists, their photocopies (TSE-ISO-CE-UKRSEPRO etc...)
5) Early test reports for the products demanded earlier
6) Technical information for each product
7) Operating instructions and label information for the products
8) Number of machines, their serial numbers and name of producer used in the factory
9) Production diagram for the factory (starting from raw material entrance)
10) GTIP numbers and model-code information (if existent) for the products
11) Title and adress information as wanted to be placed on the certificate
12) Catalog showing the products to be certificated
13) Three samples from each product
14) Proxy statement
Hygiene Certificate
Fields of use fır Hygiene CertificateIn Russia, it is asked for products which affects community health according to Consumer Right Protection Law and it is a base for quality certificate. Hygiene Certificate is needed for food, clothing, cosmetics interacting with skin, food packaging and production equipment material, furniture and metal chemical components and this creates a base for GOST Certi...
In this production certificate regarding construction, Russian Federation ensures people security, ownership and environmental protection, putting norms and rules and technical properties regarding the productions terminology, consistent in Russia ministery of construction or other countries international or national standards in Russian Federations territory. The mandatory certificates applicatio...
Quality Certificate still valid in Ukraine. Ukraine has developed his quality standards based of GOST system after the Soviet Union has collapsed. Ukraine Quality Certificate (UkrSEPRO), shows a lot ofv similarities to GOST meanwhile in application and regulatory part shows some differencies.Duration DifferencesThere are differences in the products which need certification. We have ISO 9000 and TS...
Construction equipment which are combustible (rugs, wallpapers, floor coverings with polymer, door, etc..) Fire signalization systems and data transmission cables Fire delayer or preventive devices, fire doors. Fire lockers and internal equipment. Fire extunguishers Electric Cables which carry tension 220 V or higher Refrigerators with compressor LGP or natural gas using devices like gas burn...
This document is needed for industrial equipment providing danger to the environment and used in industry or oil-chemistry sector which has flammable, combustible, explosive properties. Rostekhnadzor Certificate is used as kind of using licence. The certificate known as GGTN (GOSGORTEKHNADZOR) in previous years has been centralized and moved to federal platform and RTN (ROSTEKHNADZOR)Rostekhnadzor...
Russian Customs Commission (GTK) publishes circular letters every six months about the products to be asked for certficate as a list. It should be checked from the valid tables and a rejection letter (letter of unnecessity) should be taken for products other than the list and should be put into customs documents. This document is also used in the domestic market and is given on party base. The aut...
TR CU GÜMRÜK BİRLİĞİ SERTİFİKASI VE DEKLARASYONUAvrasya Ekonomik Topluluğu Komisyonunun 293 Sayı ve 25 Aralık 2012 tarihli kararı uyarınca; Gümrük Birliğinde uygulanacak olan Sertifika biçimleri Teknik Regülasyonlar çerçevesinde yasallaştı ve 15 Şubat 2013'ten itibaren uygulamaya başlandı. Bu uygulama halen Rusya Federasyonu, Kazakistan ve Belarus için geçerlidir. Sertifika 4 aşama güvenlik koruma...
To explore the comprehensive solutions we provide, we invite you to visit our Services page. Here, you'll find detailed information about our internationally recognized certification and inspection services tailored to meet your business needs